Friday, August 3, 2007

What's the Matter?

At first I thought it was English.... that's why my students are finding it difficult to cope. But I found out yesterday that about half of my first class (i.e. 6 out of 13) failed their core subject in the mid term exam. This is very worrying. Their core subject is their "ticket" to earn their livelihood after they leave the School. If they don't do well, what's going to happen to them in the future? They can don't do well in English but at least they should try their very best to excel in their core subject..... What's the matter with them??

I hope they can "wake up" after the counselling session with their core subject teachers yesterday..... And I think some of them are "waking up" cos they seems to be quite moody during class today..... My guess is that they are bothered by the fact that they fail. Anyway, they have to be responsible for their own lives; just like everyone of us should..... U choose the way that u want to live your life.

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