Monday, August 27, 2007


Getting a little depressed upon hearing all the sad news...... One fren just decided to get divorced, another having problems with work and boss, another having difficulties coping with work and family..... and of cos, my own life is not a bed of roses..... so what if it was a bed of roses...... It must have been roses with lots of thorns.

I heard about this great book "FISH!" many many years ago and I actually bought a Chinese version when I was away in Shanghai on a business trip...... But I never got a chance to read it. I'm glad that I bought a similar book "FISH! for life" at a bookfair in Pattaya. I must say that it's a great book and I finished reading it in less than a day. The FISH! philosophy is so easy to understand and if we all put in a little effort, we all can easily apply it in our everyday lives; and maybe our lives would be in a much better shape. Stupid me! Why did I buy the Chinese version of FISH! and left it on the bookshelf to gather dust???

I think I should share the simple principles of FISH!:
1) Play – Add some fun to your daily routine. Always carry a light heart around and don't take things too hard.
2) Make Their Day – Make someone's day by doing something special or doing things in a special way.
3) Be There – Be where u actually are. Your spirit, mind and body should be at the same space. No distractions. Be focused.
4) Choose Your Attitude – Choose carefully the way you are being on the outside cos it can affect you and those around you.

Simple isn't it? It can be applied anywhere.... at work, family, marriage, friendship... No doubt these principles look great, but I guess it takes a lot of effort to keep reminding oneself to apply them.

But no pain, no gain. So, let's all try to use FISH! in our lives. FISH! FISH! FISH!.........

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